Lincomycin is an antibiotic, one of the most commonly used antimicrobial feed additive in poultry to increase weight gains and feed efficiency. is specifically active against gram positive pathogens and HECTOLINC anaerobic bacteria of clostridia spp. has beneficial effects to treat Necrotic enteritis and HECTOLINC mycoplasma. Therefore, lincomycin supplementation in feed can help improve performance and has been used as a regular rotation option among the existing antibiotic growth promoters. Composition: Lincomycin 11% w/w
HECTOLINC 11% premix is an ideal AGP.
Suppresses the growth of harmful gut bacteria.
Promotes efficient feed utilization for better returns.
Highly active against respiratory infections, necrotic enteritis, anaerobic bacteria etc.
Improves FCR, weight gain in broilers and egg production in layers.
40 gm/ton of feed is to be uniformly mixed in the feed (Or) As suggested by Poultry Consultant.